Anchor point
One-day Trip: Running Through the Waves,Staying in Windy and Get Tanned
Post date:2015-05-19
Viewing Count 33.6k

Travel days: 1 day
Category: First-timers' Choice & Waterfront Tours & Low Carbon Tourism
- District:Gushan Dist. and Qijin Dist.
- Journey Highlights:Come to Qijin in Kaohsiung for a relaxed stroll, look out over the sea, venture into the surf and appreciate a most beautiful harbor, recovering balance in your soul amidst your busy life. This trip also allows you to experience history, visiting important military bastions throughout the past, and further enjoy the beautiful scenery and tranquility you find before you.
- Recommended for couples and families.
- Methods of Transport:KMRT, Ferry and Walk
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